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The Myth

Pandora means "all gifts", derived from a combination of Greek παν (pan) "all" and δωρον (doron) "gift". 


Pandora’s box is an origin myth – the attempt to explain the beginning of something.


People have always wanted to know why things happen in the world the way they do. Before there was much science, they did not have much understanding of how the world works, but they still wanted to know, just as much as we do today. 


Human curiosity always asks why .. and then human creativity finds ways of giving an answer. That's why we will not ask you to open the Pandora's box as we have already opened it for you and we have all the answers you might need to build your business, begin your strategy...your dream!


Just like Pandora we have many 'gifts' ready to be used to develop you business.

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